Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast
Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast
Our story begins in a sprawling old house, where it’s somehow always September 15th, and there’s always room for a new visitor. A teen girl sits on the windowsill, reading a well-worn paperback and listening to the splashy-crashy rain come down. She’s alone in the world, but it won’t be long until the strange folk who reside here become her amazing new family…
Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast is a roleplaying game unlike any other, full of charming characters and a whimsical world. Pick up various residents and guests of the B&B and help them on their journeys. Scramble eggs with a talking frog, get in a snowball fight with the harbinger of the apocalypse, and even try to mend the heart of the wicked witch who runs the place. Everything you do will leave a mark on the book, with stickers and trinkets, until you’ve created something entirely your own.